I’m still buzzing after our masterclass yesterday, The Craft of Voice, devised and led by Andrew Wille at the London Bridge Hive. We were joined by a wonderful group of aspiring, published and soon-to-be-published writers. Everyone took part with gusto, exploring ‘voice’ through a variety of readings, writing exercises and discussion.
Literary agent Jenny Savill, dropped by in the afternoon to share her agenting wisdom during a Q & A session. Jenny, an agent of many years with an eclectic and flourishing list, is a Director at Andrew Nurnberg Associates. We discovered the secret of her success: she keeps a note on her desk that says, ‘Have you seen this before?’ Now you know…
With Andrew Wille & Jenny Savill (centre) for a Q&A
I’m also pleased to report that my latest cake offering was hoovered up, Nigella’s calorific chocolate Guinness cake, confirming my belief that cake consumption and writing are a perfect union.
After an inspirational day we retired to the Horseshoe Inn for a well-earned round of drinks. With thanks to Andrew and Jenny for giving us lots to think about and experiment with in our writing.
We created a wall of voices: sharing a sentence or two from our favourite writers
PS: Save the date! We’ve two new masterclasses in The Craft of Writing series pencilled in for the new year; Crafting Character and Settings on the 26th January and Crafting Your Prose: A Masterclass on Literary Style on the 30th March. More details plus industry guests to be announced soon. We plan to run the series again later in 2019. Sign up to the mailing list for advance notice.
PPS” If you couldn’t make yesterday’s masterclass with a chance to quiz Jenny Savill, do come along to our salon, How Agents and Writers Work Together, at The Tea House Theatre Cafe on January 14th, when Jenny is to be our guest. Hope to see you then.
Andrew Wille, Jenny Saville, Nigella’s Chocolate Guinness Cake