Andrew Wille
Andrew Wille has devoted his career to working with books and writers. As senior editor at Little, Brown in London, he edited and acquired many bestselling and critically acclaimed works of fiction and nonfiction. Subsequently, as a freelance editor he has worked for most of the UK’s largest publishers as well as many independent presses. He has also lived in the United States and Australia, and has studied and taught at Naropa University’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, Colorado, where he developed a strong interest in contemplative and holistic approaches to writing and creativity. Andrew regularly speaks and offers editorial guidance at writing events, and as a book doctor supports many writers from the start of new projects through to publication and beyond. He also writes fiction and nonfiction. More information as well as resources on writing and publishing can be found at
Twitter: @andrewwille
Previous Events
Everyday Magic: The Four Elements of Creativity
Salons: Make Your Novel Shine, Revising and Editing
Zalons: Words In Action: mindfulness in writing and publishing