During this month’s zalon we discovered three things about our guest Claire Fuller; she has a big thing for cephalopods (true fact) and she’s prone to catastrophising, (glad it’s not just me). She’s also lifelong fan of dystopian fiction which all makes sense when you read her most recent and fifth novel, The Memory of Animals, set in alternate world, not unlike our own, where the very worst as happened and the main character is a former marine biologist. It was fun to meet up with Claire for a conversation about writing Speculative Fiction, to hear about her process and how the book came to be. For a masterclass in writing you can watch the zalon on demand here.
Claire Fuller
We discussed what makes a great dystopian novel in terms of craft and technique, as well as the technical demands of the genre upon the writer. Claire shared some suggestions for creating a brilliant ending and included ideas for how to keep going when you lose heart with your writing. As an added bonus she also gave us some brilliant tips for writing an authentic sex scene. With thanks to Claire for a fab session.
The Memory of Animals visits Avalon Beach, Sydney
Next month’s online discussion is on Monday 12th June at 7-8pm with guest poet, author and creative writer teacher Meryl Pugh. We’ll be exploring what a prose writer can learn from thinking like a poet, click here for details. I’ve taken classes with Meryl at The Poetry School in London and she’s a wonderful speaker and teacher, so if you could do with a shot of inspiration, come join us! This will be my last zalon before a summer break. I plan be back in the autumn with new zalons and in-person workshops. I’ll keep you posted!
Thanks for reading,
Further Reading:
Novels to get you in the dystopian mood, as recommended by Claire:
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Severance by Ling Ma
The Dog Stars by Peter Heller
Leave The World Behind by Rumaan Alam
The Wall by Marlen Hausehofer
Non Fiction:
Into The Wild by John Krackauer
Alive: The True Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read
Refs & Links:
A friendly cephalopod