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Francis Spufford is a recovering writer of non-fiction. His first novel Golden Hill came out in June 2016, but before that he was known for a series of eccentric hybrids of history, memoir and other things, including The Child That Books Built, Unapologetic and Red Plenty. He teaches on the writing MA at Goldsmiths College.
Words Away Salon: Exploring Creative Non-Fiction
Visit Francis' tumblr page for his recent book
Francis Spufford is a recovering writer of non-fiction. His first novel Golden Hill came out in June 2016, but before that he was known for a series of eccentric hybrids of history, memoir and other things, including The Child That Books Built, Unapologetic and Red Plenty. He teaches on the writing MA at Goldsmiths College.
Words Away Salon: Exploring Creative Non-Fiction
Visit Francis' tumblr page for his recent book